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CureDiva now ships internationally through our partner, Bongo International. While proceeding to checkout, our website guides you to complete your order with Bongo while you remain on Please note that we cannot accept PayPal payments for customers with international shipping addresses.
Before your order is complete, Bongo will calculate all shipping, duty, taxes and processing fees for you to review. Bongo will also accept and process your form of payment.
When you complete your international order, you will see a U.S. address listed as your shipping address; this is not an error. This address is Bongo's shipping facility. ships your package to Bongo, and Bongo ships your package on to you.
It takes approximately 3 business days for your package to arrive at Bongo's facility. It takes 4-9 days for your package to arrive to you from Bongo, depending on your location. You can estimate a total transit time of 7-12 business days for your order to arrive to you. You will receive a specific shipping time estimate during international checkout.